
Free From Prejudice

Picture taken from here

Today, I'm watching Emma Watson inspiring speech at the launch of the HeForShe campaign. I support UN Women efforts to galvanize as many men and boys as possible to be advocates for change. Their aims to kick-start a global solidarity movement in support of women's rights and full equality between women and men.

I am a woman who lives in gender inequality.
Lack of support to actualize myself.
Lack of chance to raise my voice.
Lack of trust in decision-making.
Just because I am a woman, a daughter, a wife, a mother.

I'm Here

I'm here. I love you. 
I don't care if you need to stay up crying all night long, I will stay with you.
There's nothing you can ever do to lose my love.
I will protect you until you die, and after your death I will still protect you.
I am stronger than Depression and I am braver than Loneliness and nothing will ever exhaust me.

When Someone Stole Your Lover

I know you've lost someone and it hurts. You may have lost them suddenly, unexpectedly. Or perhaps you began losing pieces of them until one day, there was nothing left. You may have known them all your life or you may have barely known them at all. Either way, it is irrelevant, you cannot control the depth of a wound another inflicts upon you.

Which is way I am not here to tell you tomorrow will be a new day. That the sun will go on shining. Or there are plenty of fish in the sea. What I will tell you is this; it's okay to be hurting as much as you are. What you are feeling is not only completely valid but necessary, because it makes you so much more human. And though I can't promise it will get better any time soon, I can tell you that it will, eventually. For now, all you can do is take your time. Take all the time you need.

Lullabies by Lang Leav