

How time flies really fast... I thank for the amazing 2016. 3 of my dreams were accomplished! 
All of my hard works paid off. I contrived great experiences and more encouragements.

In this year, I throw down the gauntlet to my self for something more challenging and magical. 
Once a year, I'll go someplace I've never been before.
Better to see something once, than to hear about it a thousand times, right?
Because in the end we only regret the chances we didn't take.

Traveling around the world. Going to the place that I had only seen in pictures.
Travel while I'm young and able. Don't worry about money, just make it work. 
Experience is far more valuable than money will ever be.
I believe that travel brings power and love back to my life.
I'd rather have a passport full of stamp than a house full of stuff. 

My Smartphone's Screenshot

Travel as much as I can. 
As far as I can. 
As long as I can. 
Life is not meant to be lived in one place.

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